Episode 16

Is Bigger Really Better? Aesthetic Treatments For Penis Size

Published on: 13th July, 2023

Welcome to Beauty & the Brain, the podcast that delves into all things aesthetic. In this episode, Dr. Croley and Jerry Drinkard, ARNP, discuss a topic that's often considered taboo: penis size. They explore the question of when is big too big and provide insights into various aesthetic treatments available for men. While the subject matter may raise eyebrows, it's an important discussion that sheds light on the concerns and options surrounding penis size.

Penis Filler and Other Options:

Dr. Croley and Jerry begin by addressing one of the most common questions they receive: Can filler be used in the penis? The answer is yes, but with associated risks, similar to using filler elsewhere in the body. They emphasize the importance of seeking the advice and care of a qualified medical professional who can handle any potential complications. Rather than focusing solely on size, their practice focuses more on sexual performance, addressing issues such as painful intercourse or erectile dysfunction. By treating these conditions, they often observe improvements in size as well.

Performance P Wave and Other Modalities:

The hosts discuss the Performance P Wave, a popular treatment they offer in their practice. This combination therapy incorporates the P shot, a sound wave device called the P Wave, and a vacuum assist device. By stimulating the corpus cavernosum and promoting engorgement, this minimally invasive treatment can lead to an increase in girth and, to a lesser extent, length. The procedure is generally comfortable and well-tolerated, with no downtime or sexual restrictions.

Neurotoxin Injections and Filler Risks:

Dr. Croley and Jerry explore the use of neurotoxins, such as Dysport or Botox, for injections into the penis and scrotum. These injections can help relax the muscles, allowing for improved blood flow and potential increases in size. While the risks associated with neurotoxins are minimal, patients should consult a trained professional for safe administration. They caution against using fillers in the penis, highlighting the risks of vascular occlusion, asymmetry, and disproportionate results.

When Is Big Too Big?

The hosts delve into the question of whether bigger is always better. They recognize that personal satisfaction and preferences vary among individuals and couples. While some may desire larger sizes, others may find discomfort or prefer other qualities in sexual experiences. They emphasize that performance is key, and aesthetic enhancements should not overshadow functionality. Additionally, they mention the need to avoid extreme sizes that may result in disproportionate or aesthetically unpleasing outcomes.


Dr. Croley and Jerry conclude the episode by urging listeners to carefully consider their options and choose a reputable provider if they decide to pursue aesthetic treatments for penis size. They highlight the importance of researching procedures and consulting qualified healthcare professionals. The podcast reminds listeners that the opinions expressed are their own and should not replace personalized medical advice.

Tune in to the next episode of Beauty & the Brain for more insightful discussions on aesthetic topics. Remember, your satisfaction and well-being are paramount, both inside and outside the bedroom.

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Hi, I'm Dr. Croley. Welcome to Beauty & the Brain, the podcast where we talk about all things aesthetic. We have a really fun topic today and something that's a little bit taboo, but it's all about penis size, and we are going to talk about when is big too big.


Okay. I'm Jerry Drinkard, family nurse practitioner, co-owner of Skin and Tonic in Pace, Florida, our med spa that Chris and I own together. And we do a lot of male treatments. We have a lot of male clients that come in for aesthetic treatments, and they tend to lean toward some of the sexual health treatments that we do. And I think that you mentioned this like a taboo treatment. And it's one of those things that once people are comfortable with us, they tend to tell us or ask us, like, what can they do to be better, what can they do to reverse the signs of aging below the belt? So there are a lot of things out there now that we provide.


Yeah, it's certainly kind of a hot topic throughout the US. Right now. And I think I don't know, do you want to talk about one of the questions? We usually like to start the episodes with some of our viewer questions or patient questions, so I know that there's something you could ask a lot.


Yeah, so we have increasing number of OnlyFans patients or patients that participate in OnlyFans. And so a common question that we get is about penis filler. Can we do filler in the penis? And the answer is yes. Like, it can be done, but it's just like filler used anywhere else in the body. It comes with associated risk. And so there are other options that are out there versus the filler that I personally prefer. And so what are your thoughts on it?


Yeah, I mean, I think it's like a lot of other things in medical aesthetics that there are things that can be done, but there are definitely risk associated with it. So you need to make sure that you are seeking the advice, guidance, and care of a qualified medical professional who's been trained to do these procedures and also that they know how to handle any kind of complications or emergencies that can arise from it. Now, in our practice, we trademarked a procedure and we really focus more on sexual performance rather than actually size. And so, yeah, that's a catchy topic, and we do get asked that a lot. But in reality, the majority of our practice really focuses on, well, aesthetics in general, but when it comes to sexual health in male and females, it is around performance issues. We look at ways that we can treat either painful intercourse for women or erectile dysfunction for men, and kind of as a side effect of some of that, they may have an increase in size. And so then when they start seeing that they want to know, are there ways that we can make this even larger?


But in reality, most of the results that we see are coming from treatment of erectile dysfunction.


And honestly, is bigger better if you're performing right? I think performance is what it all boils down to at the end of the day, and we all want to feel good about ourself, whether in the bedroom or outside of the bedroom, whether with someone or with ourselves. We all want to be able to be confident in our sexual roles. And so that's kind of what I focus on when I have patients come in to us. And it's a serious topic. As easily as it is for us to laugh about it and joke about it, it really can impact people.


Well, it was interesting, there was a study in the Journal of Sexual Medicine back, I think, in around 2015, and it showed that 45% of men had some concerns with their penis size. And so I think there's a lot of guys out there that have problems and they're kind of probably worrying or wondering do they measure up, if you will, to other guys. And so I think that that is a concern that we joke about and kind of people in general will laugh about, but it is a serious concern for many people out there.


Average penis size is seven inches, right?


Sure. I don't even know where to go with that one. When it comes to ways to augment penis size, I mean, filler is the question that we get often, but if we're looking at other things that we do, what modalities do we offer in our office? And what have you heard about in conferences or read about that are ways that we can augment size without going the filler route.


One of the most popular treatments that we offer is the Performance P Wave, which you and I trademarked. And this is a combination therapy, a combination treatment, and it incorporates the P shot, also a sound wave device, the P Wave, and also a vacuum assist device that what it causes is engorgement of the corpus cavernosum and eventually causes increase in Girth more so than length. I think we occasionally see increase in length as well, but the harder someone is, the more increase they're getting in Girth size. So these treatments are minimally invasive, if you want to call them invasive at all. I think for us as guys, we don't go to the physician's office routinely or to our medical provider's office routinely and have to take our pants down like a female goes for yearly OB checks. For guys, we don't do that. And so to me, once the guys come in and get past that, then it's really a relatively comfortable treatment.


Yeah, and I mean, for us, we definitely focus on safety and everything that we do at Skin and Tonic. And so when we were weighing out different options and what services we were going to offer, safety was a big concern. And so the Pshot was developed by Dr. Charles Ronalds many years ago, and we've been providing it almost since. It's the beginning, and it's a really safe procedure where we're drawing your blood, extracting out growth factors, and just using that portion of it to reinject. And so it is a couple of injections into the penis, but it is actually patients usually will rate this less painful than their botox. So we ask all the time, and it's like, what is it on a scale of one to ten? And they'll tell us that their pain is like a one or two. So we do numbing for this topical numbing, and it's usually a pretty comfortable procedure. And then we also combine that. So for patients who may not want to go the injection route, we have a device. It's a device made by Zimmer, and it's a Zwave device, and we trademarked it when we do it with the penis.


We call this a performance p wave. You want to talk a little bit about that and what the procedure is like?


Yes. So the performance p wave is a mechanical device, and two metal pistons hit together on the inside, and at the end of the machine is a rubber stopper. And so this rubber stopper disperses the sound waves into the penis. And as they impact the vessels, the veins and the penis, it causes an expansion, a mechanical expansion. And then there are some vessels that don't expand at all because of some it could be some comorbidities, whether the diabetes or smoking or just age or hormonal imbalances. And so these vessels aren't allowed to expand because of some sort of rigidity. And a lot of times those vessels are destroyed, and it allows the body to regrow more healthy vessels. So those are, like, very comfortable, very tolerable treatments. They typically last somewhere around 15 to 20 minutes. The patient's in and out of there. There's no downtime, no sexual restrictions. Go home and play with it, have fun with it. And I think that that's probably our most popular, most common treatment because they do get, like, a really good result, and it's a result that they see soon after the treatment.


So other devices you mentioned that in our procedure, we use a vacuum assist device. So there are devices like that and other kind of stretch devices that are on the market that will mechanically cause distinction. But do you want to comment or maybe you just explain to people why we use the device that we use? And this is not something that you just go get from one of the adult toy stores.


Yeah, so the vacuum device that we get is actually a Kaplan device, which was created by a physician, and it is a vacuum device that has a gauge on it so that you can regulate the amount of pressure that's put onto the penis. We certainly don't want to create an issue that we don't already have. And so by having extreme pressures on the penis, you can cause not only just bruising other traumas and cause even vascular damage. So we recommend that they, they vacuum pump at a negative ten pressure for ten minute sessions, no more than ten minute sessions immediately following our P wave or our P shot treatments. I recommend they do it for 30 days, twice a day. And so there are other things out there patients try to I have one particular patient that's into Gelking, which I didn't really know what gelking was. Do you?


I don't know what that is.


I guess it is I need to Google a little more about it, but it's a stretching technique and it's not done with a device. So it's a manual stretching technique and they do different exercises. And so when I did look it up, there are a lot of dangers associated with that because I think people think the more I do, the better my results going to be. And there have been cases that people have actually developed Peroni's disease caused by the injury from the joking.


Interesting. So another thing that we do in our practice and that we've had pretty impressive results with is using some kind of neurotoxin, something like Dysport or Botox for injections into the penis and the scrotum bocox. Yeah, so that's the name that's being called right now and it's also pretty popular. So with that it was originally looked at with guys with erectile dysfunction as a way of relaxing the muscle to allow more blood flow into the penis to improve erections. But a lot of guys were noticing that they had increased length, but this was mostly in the flaccid state, so not when they were erect, but when they were flaccid. Why don't you explain to people the mechanism of how that works and why we're so it works great in that.


The way that it works is it causes a relaxation of the muscle that causes retraction so the penis hangs more freely. And so in the flaccid state it appears to be larger, but it also causes a relaxation of the muscles and allows blood to flow in more freely and then that's where it has its function and erectile dysfunction. So there are several studies that support using some sort of neurotoxin for this. I think it's more popular for the aesthetic look at the penis in the states versus for function.


Yeah. And what dangers do you see associated with this? Is it mostly minimal stuff or is there big risk associated with it?


Yeah, I think the risk associated with using neurotoxin is minimal. Certainly bruising, swelling at the injection site, infection if it's not done properly. That's why we recommend going to someone that's been properly trained in these techniques. But I think that the risk is pretty low. It's also patient dependent. Some patients are going to get better results from this. Just like if we use a neurotoxin in face, some people respond differently than others. So it's not across the board 100% guarantee for everyone, but it is something that most people respond to to some degree.


So let's go from that. Because I think when people hear about any kind of Botox or neurotoxin, they immediately also think about filler. And I think patients don't really always know the difference in the two. So fillers that are approved for use in the US. Are all hyuronic acid fillers. And they have approval for use in facial aesthetics. And when they're used in other parts of the body, they're definitely being used in an off label fashion. This is not something that's been studied or approved. And so you got to make sure your provider knows what they're doing there. So we talk about it a lot in the face. And the risk of the biggest fear that people have is vascular occlusion. And so patients don't realize because a filler is like a gel, it can clog up a blood vessel, it can clog up an artery. And if that happens, tissue that that artery supplies can actually die and it can cause significant necrosis or sloughing off of tissue in that area. Is this a concern when you inject this in an off label fashion in the penis?


To me, filler is a concern when I inject it in an on label fashion. Filler certainly does not come without risk, even though it's very common. I don't know that there's an unlabeled use for any filler in the penis, not that I'm aware of. It's being commonly used. It's being used in a diluted fashion. I know oftentimes filler comes as a fruity, one that doesn't know it's almost like a little thinner than toothpaste. And then in a diluted fashion, it's a little thicker than a milkshake and depending on the dilution. And so I think that a common misconception is that just because a filler is diluted that it's completely safe. And that's not the situation. So I would be very careful about injecting filler into a piece.


Yeah, I do know that it's increasing in use. So again, looking at a study in the Journal of Sexual Medicine that I'm looking at here, back in 2020, they did a survey of a little over 1000 men and saw that 5.6 of them had received 5.6% had received penile filler injections just for cosmetic purposes. So this wasn't to correct any deformity or scarring. It was strictly for cosmetic purposes to make it appear larger. So I find that's interesting. So that number is definitely increasing higher.


Than what I would have expected, honestly.


Yeah, and it's fairly recent. I mean, I know probably if we did it again now, we would see this even higher because this is kind of gaining in popularity. So we've certainly talked about incorporating it into the practice because we offer a lot of cosmetic services, but there are risk associated with it. So it's not something that we take on lightly. With that being said, let's get into the real hot topic and what we started out the podcast with. When is big too big? Because we all assume that bigger is better but that's not necessarily the case.


Yeah, I think that we see that from both sides. I think oftentimes bigger is better when you're looking from the guy's standpoint. We do a lot of female dysfunctions as well. And I'd say probably one of the most common female sexual dysfunctions is uncomfortable intercourse. And so I think if you ask those ladies, bigger is not necessarily better. But then on the other hand, I just mentioned that we have our only fans population and I think in their opinion I think bigger probably is better. It kind of equates to cash.


Well, I think that gets into right. We have definitely patients who like bigger breasts, bigger butt and so I think that is a little bit of it's trendy. So it kind of comes and goes with time since I think if you're looking at it, if you're a performer of some sort, whether it's online through one of these online platforms or in any other manner, if you're a performer, you may want to augment certain areas. But when it comes down to just like personal satisfaction, I think that that's really something that's between a couple and so it depends on who your partner is and what their desires are and if they're also having issues with it, it's not necessarily just make it bigger and that they're going to like it better.


And I've also seen several that were injected that were not pretty.


I don't know that's a whole nother podcast we could do on what makes.


It pretty, but just don't think that just because it's bigger it's prettier.


That is something to kind of discuss and to let people know that when they put filler there, there's a few things. One, it can be not symmetric. So filler is a gel and it can be a little bit more on one side than the other. So it can be lumpy, it can be more larger on one side than the other. So for sure it's not always just because you put it in there. But also a lot of procedures can minimally enhance the glands or the head of the penis. But really most of the fillers are focused on the shaft. So it can be really disproportionate where you have this really large girth in the shaft, but it doesn't look like it fits on that person's body. So you got to make sure that you go to a provider that's going to kind of keep you in check and not overdo it.


Yeah, I mean the last thing you want is like a look of elephantitis or something like that. In my opinion, bigger is not necessarily better when it comes to this.


Yeah, and I think that's my opinion too. Function is really what's going to be the best performance all about performance, right? And so if we can somehow make it, if you're having any kind of performance issues and can come in and you happen to get some size increase as a result of improved performance, improved erectile function, then that's a great bonus. But that's usually not our primary goal, at least at this point in our aesthetic practice.


We want to put ahemi in the engine of what was the, I don't.


Know, one of our other podcast episodes. We talked about that. All right, well, anything else you want? Any final thoughts?


I don't think so. Other than if you do decide to go down the path the way of penile filler or filler of any sort, certainly vet your provider. Be sure that your provider is using a product that's safe for that area and do your homework prior to doing any of these treatments.


Yeah, exactly. So I couldn't agree more with what Jerry said. Thanks, you guys, for tuning in again this week. Please remember that this podcast is simply our opinions. It's not meant at all to replace medical advice. And we encourage you, if you're having any issues, to seek advice from a qualified healthcare professional to address your particular needs. Thanks again and we look forward to seeing you next week on another episode of Beauty in the Brain.

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Beauty & The Brain®
A Deep Dive into Medical Aesthetics
Welcome to Beauty & The Brain, the podcast where we take a deep dive into the fascinating world of medical aesthetics! I'm Dr. Chris Croley, and I'm joined by my co-host Jerry Drinkard, a board-certified Family Nurse Practitioner. Together, we co-own Skin & Tonic, a medical spa that's passionate about providing the latest and greatest treatments to help our clients look and feel their best.

We started this podcast out of our love for medical aesthetics and our desire to share our knowledge and insights with others. Every week, we'll be discussing new trends, sharing our thoughts on controversial topics, and keeping you up to date on the latest technology in the industry. But we won't just be talking to ourselves! We're excited to bring in experts and industry leaders to share their perspectives and insights with our listeners.

Our goal is to provide a podcast that's authentic, informative, and genuinely helpful for anyone who's interested in beauty and wellness. Whether you're a beauty enthusiast or a medical professional, we hope you'll tune in every week to learn something new and join us on this journey of discovery.

So, if you're ready to dive into the world of medical aesthetics, join us on Beauty & The Brain, and let's explore this fascinating industry together!